Solution to the error message while accessing EBC Reader outside your campus
Solution to the error message while accessing EBC Reader outside your campus Image showing error message If you are accessing the EBC reader outside the IP address of your college: go to the web portal of your college/organisation. Then, login to your organisation's portal and then click on the EBC Reader from within web portal to access your eLibrary.PopularHow to reset your password in EBC Reader Campus Edition?
How to reset your password to EBC Reader Campus Edition? While logging on to EBC Reader, if you get the error message – ‘Entered e-mail/registered number or password is incorrect,’ we recommend that you do the following to reset your password. Once you reset your password, you can go to your college library and log in to your EBC Reader account. Let us see how you can do it in the following steps- Log out from the college EBC Reader library page, open a fresh google chrome browser or *Some readersHow to resolve Error: Invalid or Broken link?
How to resolve Error: Invalid or Broken link? Image showing Error: Invalid or Broken link? This error message if received is due to some problem with your college's remote access provider. It is recommended that you should contact your college admin immediately to get this issue resolved.Few readersHow to Access and Use EBC Reader: A Step-by-Step Guide for Harvard Law School Students
Welcome to EBC Reader – your online legal eLibrary with over 250+ bare acts, 1100+ titles, Practical Lawyer magazine, SCYD (Supreme Court Yearly Digest), and more. Designed for legal professionals, students, and institutions, EBC Reader offers a user-friendly platform with features like annotation, offline access, multi-device compatibility, and advanced search to help you find accurate results quickly. Whether you're an individual user or part of an institution like Harvard Law School, EBC ReFew readersHow To Access EBC Reader Campus Edition For The First Time?
Access EBC Reader Campus Edition For The First Time Once your institution has subscribed to EBC Reader Platinum Edition, next step will be to log-on to the EBC Reader eLibrary with your own credentials. You will receive an email on behalf of your college inviting you to log in and activate your account to access EBC Reader Platinum Edition eLibrary. Image showing Email invite to create account & access EBC Reader Platinum Edition ( readersHow to Log in to EBC Reader App via Institutional QR code
Below tutorial will help you to log in to EBC Reader App on an iOS or Android device if you log in to EBC Reader Web Edition through your College Library Remote Services. 1) Log in to EBC Reader Web Edition and click on Institutional QR Code. Download the EBC Reader App on your iOS or Android DevicesFew readers