Articles on: My Notes

What is Power Clip Feature and how to use it on Web Edition?

Power Clip

The Power clip feature allows a user to clip a specific notebook for collecting all your research. Thus, a user can copy-to-note from different books, while using the same notebook for all his research. What’s more, this becomes even more powerful with our single-search feature, as you open different search results across different books. You can collect your research, using copy-to-note into one clipped notebook.

Image Showing Power Clip tool inside a notebook

To Clip a notebook click on Notes icon on the Home Screen.

Image showing Notes icon on Home screen

Click on the note which you want to use for your research and click on the clip icon. A message will appear “This note is clipped. Now easily use the same notebook everywhere. To un-clip, please press the icon again.” It validates that you have successfully clipped the notebook.

Image showing a clipped note

Updated on: 14/07/2023

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