Articles on: Reading

How To: change Text and Themes in EBC Reader iOS/Android?

Text and Theme Features

Dynamically Change text sizes or background of the text to read in an easy format. You have the ability to also increase-decrease screen-brightness to make it easier to read.
Image showing Font Icon

Font Size

To change the size of the text you can tap on top of the screen and tap on icon.
Drag the Font slider right or left to increase or decrease the Font size in an eBook as shown in the animation below.

Animation showing how to change Font Size


To change the theme tap on top of the screen and tap on icon.
Select from the themes Day, Night and Sepia to change the background theme in an eBook as shown in the animation below.

Animation showing how to change the background Theme

Page Curl

You can turn On/Off the Page curl animation when flipping through pages in an eBook. You need to tap on the top of the screen and tap onicon and tap on Page Curl View button as shown in the animation below.

Animation showing how to enable page curl

This feature is only available in iOS currently.

Updated on: 12/07/2023

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