Articles on: Reading

Reading Tools on EBC Reader iOS/Android device


EBC Reader toolbox allows you to interact with your text, highlighting, copying and preparing notes.
Tap at the bottom of the screen to display the TOOLBOX at the bottom of the screen.

Tools available in Toolbox

Highlight – To use the highlight tool to mark important text in the eBook, select the ‘Highlight’ option from the Toolbox and tap and drag the desired text.

Underline by Pen– To use the Pen to underline important text, select the ‘Pen’ option from the Toolbox and tap and drag on the desired text.

Underline by Pencil: To use the Pencil to underline important text, select the ‘Pencil’ option from the Toolbox and tap and drag on the desired text.

Copy to note: Choose the “Copy to note “tool from the toolbox and select the desired text from the eBook and tap the Copy to Notebook option displayed after selecting the text.

Notes: To view or edit the saved notes for specific eBook, select the (image) Notes option from the Toolbox.

Erase – To erase any highlights or underlined or marked in your eBook.

Updated on: 12/07/2023

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